DVFlora's Exclusive
2021 Tournament of Roses
Round 2 in our Game of Thorns Rose Tournament is now in the books, and we are moving on to the Sweet 16 match ups! Some of these pairings may break your bracket, if they haven’t been “busted” already! After reviewing the vote counts, we can tell you that we are still in for a lot of surprises and some really difficult choices ahead.
Free Spirit and Country Blues continue their dominance and are on the way to competing against each other in the Final Four. That is unless a few other heavy favorites can beat them out! Playa Blanca is going against Hearts and Amnesia matches up to Shimmer…how can these not be close races!
The Garden Roses have proved to be a fun addition to this competition. Baronesse continues it’s “Cinderella Run,” after being seeded in the #12 spot (out of 16). It has already beaten out Effie (5 seed) and Princess Aiko (4 seed) to reach the Sweet 16. It’s now up against the #1 seeded Juliet! We also have a match up between two David Austin varieties in Tess versus Constance.
At this point, it’s anyone’s guess as to who will advance to the Elite 8, then on to the Final Four. So make sure you place your vote for your favorite variety in each of the match ups below!
The Details
Remember, for every round you vote in, DVFlora customers will have the opportunity to win a free case of roses from one of the Final Four varieties. You can take your pick…and if they all happen to be from the same grower, we could look at doing an assorted box, if you wish.
Scroll Down For Round Three Voting

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Every vote counts! Make sure that you continue to vote in each round to help decide the ultimate variety.
Third Round voting is officially closed.
The results and voting for Round 4, the Elite 8, will be posted on Friday, March 19th.