DVFlora's Exclusive
2021 Tournament of Roses
Round 2 in our Game of Thorns Rose Tournament is now open for voting (see below)! As promised, the match-ups are becoming a little more difficult than the first round.
You have helped decide who made from the top 64 rose varieties down to 32. Now it’s time to see who will make it to the coveted Sweet 16. Can Free Spirit and Country Blues continue their dominance? And how will the Garden Roses play out? There are so many great choices, so it will be interesting to see where it goes from here!
The Details
Remember, for every round you vote in, DVFlora customers will have the opportunity to win a free case of roses from one of the Final Four varieties. You can take your pick…and if they all happen to be from the same grower, we could look at doing an assorted box, if you wish.
Scroll Down For Round Two Voting

Click on the images below to view larger versions or to download and print
Every vote counts! Make sure that you continue to vote in each round to help decide the ultimate variety.
Second Round entries MUST be placed by Thursday, March 11th at 12pm EST.
Round 2 voting has officially closed. Round 3 voting will open Monday, March 15th
Is it possible to get copies of these rose posters? Would love the visual when ordering.