Summer Celebration
is Back!
Our annual Summer Celebration is officially back and BETTER than before!
DVFlora customers still have the opportunity to win a trip to California, as well as a $50 Visa Gift Card each week…however, we’re now giving you MORE WAYS TO WIN!

You now have 7 different ways to win!
If you are not signed up for one of these programs, please contact your DV Sales Associte or email us at: customerrelations@dvflora.com

Embark on a week long, stress-free adventure in the Spring of 2020 to the coast of Central California, where you will have daily guided tours of different flower growers within the region.
”The trip with DVFlora was a remarkable journey which taught me about the growing and transporting of flowers across the country. Getting to know the farmers and seeing the land from which our flowers come from give incentive as I create each design now.
Holly ChappleHolly Chapple Flowers