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Miscellaneous and Schedule Items

International Women’s Day- International Women’s Day is March 8. This holiday is quite a large holiday in many other parts of the world, and is slowly gaining traction in the US. We have free graphics for you to use in your Social Media promotions. Visit our blog post here to download them:

DVFlora Emails- We have made a change to our Email marketing system. Besides sporting a new look, the new system will allow you to choose which emails you receive starting next week.. Currently there are 3 separate lists. We will add more over time so you can fine tune what offers and information you receive. If you’re not a subscriber or if you unsubscribed in the past because you were getting too many emails, you can now subscribe right on the Welcome Screen of, and only stay signed up to see the offers you really want to see.

  • DVFlora Connection: our standard, overall email list. It will include emails about 2 times per week with holiday-specific specials, Flower of the Week, industry/DVFlora announcements and more. You can sign up on the Welcome Page of
  • Fresh Specials: currently sent Monday through Thursday each week with items for shipping the next day. If you are not subscribed, you can sign up here:
  • Friday Fresh: sent on Friday mornings with the Friday Fresh price list. If you are not subscribed, you can do so here:


Palm Crosses and Palm Bud– Palm Sunday is April 9 this year. Prebook pricing will be in effect until March 19, then regular pricing will take effect. We have a little Palm Bud now and will get more every week. Palm Crosses will come later but book now to get the best price and selection.

Callas- The demand for large White Callas seems to have dropped off a bit. There were plenty in the market this week. The cut has improved for our magnificent Local Callas, so there was ample supply this week. That will change quickly over the next couple weeks.

Sunflowers- Sunflowers are extremely limited. Poor weather in South America has stalled production, and California production hasn’t really kicked in yet. We ran out earlier than we would like this past week, and expect to run out again before the end of next week.

Stock- There is a good supply of California Stock for next week. We are still buying conservatively as demand is low. Prices are creeping up as the post VD hangover subsides. Quality is looking good, as you can see from this picture of some Stock in the packing room of one of our suppliers.

Larkspur- Prices remain relatively high since production is still low. We may see some gaps in availability this week.

Snapdragons- Production in California was much lower this week, so we expect prices to rise accordingly. Meanwhile Canadian Snap production has stabilizing. Prices may come down a bit in March.

Matsumoto and Dianthus- There is a good supply of Matsumoto with the exception of Hot Pink and Lavender. We should see a spike in demand for Green Dianthus for the next two weeks. In general the demand for dianthus has begun to pick up. Colors like Black Cherry, Red and Burgundy are limited.

Protea- There is still a limited supply of Pink Protea varieties from California due to all the rain. We expect this to improve over the next few weeks.


Seeded Euc- Seeded Euc is coming to an end for a while. There is a little around but it is expensive. We will have the Cup Seeded Euc for now.


Colors- There are a good amount of colors in the market. Production is very low but so is demand, so we aren’t seeing any issues. A few high demand colors are price, but most colors are reasonable.

Reds- There are plenty of Freedom in the market so prices are on the low side. We expect the market to remain about the same until we get into April.


Money Trees- Pachira Money Trees will be off crop for about 2 weeks. We have some available and are trying to find some more but we may run out for a little while.

Mike Clark

Author Mike Clark

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