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By March 14, 2011No Comments

afifThere was a short update regarding the ATPDEA from the Association of Floral Importers of Florida (AFIF) sent out on Friday.  We would like to share that information with everyone and will continue to post more news as we get it. 


On Thursday the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing with USTR Ambassador Kirk regarding Trade Agenda for 2011.  USTR is still not ready to move forward with the Colombia and Panama free trade agreements but they are ready to move on the one for Korea.  The Senate leaders, Senator Baucus and Senator Hatch were both in full support of the need to pass the FTAs with Colombia and Panama along with the one for Korea.

At the hearing it was also discussed that businesses that bring products from Colombia (and Ecuador) are being hurt every day that the ATPDEA is not extended……But, it was also discussed that the TAA needed to be extended. 

Again this week the budget discussions and amendment debates dominated the  House and Senate floor time.

AFIF, Christine and several board members, will be going to Washington DC on Monday and Tuesday to have meetings with key Congressional people regarding the situation and how it is negatively affecting the flower importing industry have the duties imposed.  Also, the Ways and Means Committee is holding a hearing next Thursday regarding the Colombia free trade agreement.

So, when we return next week I will give you another update and hopefully we will have some more news.

As always, if you have questions feel free to contact me at the AFIF office at 305-593-2383 or on my cell 305-297-6603.

Christine Boldt

DVFlora History

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