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Attitudes Are Contagious

By August 14, 2010No Comments

Weekly newsletter T.G.I.T By Barry Gottlieb

“Everyone has an attitude”. Obviously, some are better than others. There are those people who always beam with positive energy and consequently have a positive impact on those around them.

Then there are those people with negative attitudes. They are the ones that somehow take even the best of circumstances and find some way to put a dark cloud over it.

Even the people that tend to do nothing or have no opinion about things have an attitude… The attitude to do nothing or be apathetic.

Research studies over the past fifty years indicate that your attitude is a key factor in determining your level of happiness and success. These studies also point out the impact of your attitude on your health. When it comes to your success in your career, the research indicates that 85% of the reason a person gets a job, keeps a job, and gets ahead in their job is directly related to their attitude.

To quote Zig Ziglar: “It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude.”

Think about your own personal experiences in restaurants and retail stores. If you are like me, the attitude of an employee can either make or break the deal. I will not go back to a restaurant where the food was good, but the attitude of the employees was negative. It reflects on the entire experience. Conversely, great service and positive attitudes can make an average place into a memorable experience.

Attitude does make a difference.

Consider this: Who would you choose, the doctor that says, “You are the one in a hundred that will survive”; or the doctor (equally skilled) that says, “Ninety-nine out of a hundred die from this, your chances aren’t very good”?

The choice is obvious.”

DVFlora History

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