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The season of rich color and texture is upon us, and it is time for us to utilize the fruits of the harvest to liven up our winter displays in the form of bright and lively berries! Berries, especially in red and burgundy, are a holiday staple this time of year; they help to break up the monotony of monochromatic white displays as well as aid in creating a festive atmosphere. Although the holiday season is a few weeks away, I always find it a good idea to familiarize one’s self with available product in order to help better prepare in advanced. When I think of quintessential holiday product berries are at the top of my list (Right under Christmas greens!) but the type of berry you choose can make or break your holiday design, that’s why I have compiled a list of quality berry products that will help to elevate your designs to the next level of holiday perfection.

  • Red Ilex Berry (Item #36778 & 49492): Red ilex berries are the red berried branches that my holiday dreams are made from. These hard woody branched stems are coated in lush shiny crimson berries that are the ultimate festive branches. These branches are an excellent way to give your arrangements height for the holidays; the heavily berried limbs attract your eyes and hold your attention while at the same time carrying color up from the arrangement to the ends of the branches. The rhythm and movement they provide is monumental, they capture and nurture your attention as your eyes transition trough the arrangement but at the same time they don’t over whelm your senses. I usually utilize these branches in designs where height is a must; often I place them in church altars, corporate work, and also in statement pieces for parties and events.

  • Winterberry (Item #25628): Winter berry is by far the most iconic of all the holiday berries; they are a majestic branch with a sprinkling of cheerful elegant berries along their branches. These glorious holiday red berries sparkle as if they were freshly polished and also have a small black dot in the center of each berry; but don’t let the black dot deter you; it adds an elegant contrast that breaks up their solid red coloration. These branches are phenomenal when placed by themselves in a large urn or tall cylinder vase; if you tuck in a few Christmas greens or a few hydrangeas around the base it adds a stunning contrast with minimal effort.

  • Tallow Berry (Item #49494 and 49490): Tallow berry is my all time favorite berry to use in the winter; it possesses an elegant whimsy that really helps to uplift your design style. Tallow berries are unique in many ways; not only are they white which is perfect for an elegant center piece, but the berries are hard like small pebbles and they are clustered with just a few berries on the tip of a thin twisted stem. I can’t begin to express how much I love these berries, they have a unique way of charming you and beckoning you to reach out and touch them. I used these last year in centerpieces and table arrangements for a holiday party and they by far exceeded my expectations; their vase life was astounding, they out lasted everything else in the arrangements including the Christmas greens. In addition everyone had to ask what they were and touch them, they were a huge hit!


Author DVFlora

For over 60 years DVFlora has been providing professional retail florists, wedding & event coordinators, and garden centers with the finest in Fresh cut flowers and greens, floral supplies, and botanicals.

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