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Betty Terres Retires After 30 Years!

By February 25, 20103 Comments
Betty Terres, one of DV’s finest for over 30 years, has decided to retire.  Betty, or “BT” as she’s fondly known by many of us, has filled numerous positions at DV during her career, including Credit Manager and her current position of Customer Service Manager.  BT started with DV on July 2nd, 1979.  She has been a friend to all, counselor, and really defined customer service for DV.  Betty has that special way of taking care of our customers business needs, while at the same time making the customers feel very important through the special personal relationships that she builds with them.  Betty extends that same ethic to all of the employees here at DV that she works with.  Her professionalism and special way of caring will certainly be missed by all us.
A luncheon was held in Betty’s honor on Thursday, February 18th at DVWF Headquarters where employees, past & present, remembered Betty fondly.  I had the opportunity to call in and listen to the festivities, via the phone, and feel the love bestowed on Betty.  John Richards acted as Master of Ceremonies and the assembled group enjoyed stories told by Keith Rodgers, Rich Simon, Bob & John Wilkins and Jack Chidester. 

Recently when I was conveying the news of Betty’s decision to retire to Perry Gennett, formerly of Thoirs, Cherry Hill, NJ…now of Rose Garden, Barnegat, NJ.  Perry echoed the following sentiments about Betty…”She is one fantastic lady.  Everyone says certain people are replaceable, but this will be a big task to replace this woman.  I never heard a bad remark about her from anyone, customers, or anyone she worked with…including all of the drivers.  Everyone spoke highly of her.”

Betty set the bar extremely high when it came to professionalism, caring and class.
-Bill Schodowski
Betty Terres and Alan "Skip" Terres
Betty  and Alan “Skip” Terres

DVWF Retiree's who attended Betty's party - L to R Ken Stowe, Rich Simon, Lee Bogard, Jackie Radar, Better Terres, Betty Biggs, Myrtle Wood, Doris Wilkins (founder)
DVWF Retiree’s who attended Betty’s party – L to R Ken Stowe, Rich Simon, Lee Bogard, Jackie Radar, Better Terres, Betty Biggs, Myrtle Wood, Doris Wilkins (founder)

DVFlora History

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Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Peg Sems says:

    Wishing you a wonderful retirement, It was such A PLEASURE working with you through the years when we owned Artistic Flowers. All the best,

    Artistic Flowers Peg, & Peggy Woods ,Sayreville NJ
    Peg Sems Perfect Petals by Peg East Brunswick NJ

  • Dianne Richardson-Conda says:

    Best wishes in your retirement! Somehow…I don’t imagine you ever really ~retiring!~ We sure go back a long way, baby! It’s been 31 years since I opened my shop in 1978. You have always been a special part of my flower world!
    I love the pics! You look mahvelous, darlin’ and seeing Rich Simon brings back awesome memories! Party on, Betty!
    Richardson’s Flowers, Inc.
    Medford NJ

  • Pam petravich says:

    Hi Betty, Congratulations on your retirement! Hope all is well with you and Skip. Please contact me I’d like to chat with you and catch up.
    Take Care, Pam Petravich
    Marks’ friend from school.

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