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Boronia Filler

By April 24, 2010No Comments

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About…By Felipe Bernal

Name meaning:

Boronia – named after F. Borone: An Italian plant collector 1769-94.
Pinnata – feathered, alluding to the divided leaves.


Beronia Pinnata is a small shrub up to about 1.5 meters in height. The flowers are 4-petalled of a star-like appearance and usually pale to deep pink in color.  White flowered forms are known and are in cultivation.  The flowers are well displayed in the upper leaf axils and are about 15 mm in diameter.  The foliage is pinnate (compound leaves made up of a number of leaflets – in this case usually 5 to 9 leaflets) with leaves to around 25 – 50 mm long.  The leaves contain aromatic oils and produce a very strong aroma when crushed.

Boronia is generally long lasting as a cut flower.  The genus Boronia is one of the best known of all Australian plants. There are approximately 95 species. This Boronia is a beautiful waxy-flowered delicate shrub, not sweetly perfumed but with aromatic leaves. An interesting scent is noticed close to the flowers, but it does not scent the air.

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