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Cut Dendrobium Orchids Vase Life Improvement

By February 26, 20102 Comments

 Floralife Research Update, Feb 1010, Vol. 12 Issue 2


Dendrobium orchids are ever increasingly popular as a cut flower. There are many varieties with colors ranging from white, purple, pink and yellow available in the market today. At the time of harvest of cut Dendrobiums there are many flowers in the spike that are at different stages of development, varying from immature buds to fully open flowers. Proper care and handling and supply of adequate nutrients are critical for the flowers to properly develop and maintain the best flower life.

Click Here for the full Feb 1010, Volume 12 – Issue 2 from Floralife

DVFlora History

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  • Vera Zazzarino says:

    Do the growers use Floralife in the water tubes when shipped? I received dendrobium that look like that? They have only lasted a day or two.

    • admin says:

      Hello Vera,

      Our vendor does use a chemical in the water tubes during shipping, except it’s not Floralife. They use Chrysal AVB.

      We do recommend removing the water tube upon receipt and replacing it to prolong vase life.

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