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European Flight Backlog’s Continue

By December 21, 2010No Comments

As most you have seen on either the local or national news, most of Europe has been hit with some of the worst winter weather ever witnessed by some.  We had a very difficult time finding a flight for normal Saturday Dutch shipment, but eventually found one that departed on Monday.  We tried to remain optimistic about our normal Tuesday shipment, but found out today that there is no way we can get it here in time for delivery to our customers this week.

It’s very surreal  to think that at London’s Heathrow Airport, they have never seen temperatures like they are experiencing now.  They have no ice/snow cleaning equipment to clear the runways.  Thousands of passenges have been stranded at airports all across Europe, just trying to get home for the Holidays.

It appears that the snow has just about subsided and the next storm to hit may just be rain.  We will still remain optimistic that our future flights for next week will be back to normal.  We also hope that the issues clear up quickly for those passengers trying to travel home to spend time with their families.

DVFlora History

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