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Facebook Demystified: A Retailer’s Guide

By March 23, 2010No Comments
About a year ago, I got turned on to WhizBang Training.  While attending the Michigan Florists’ Association convention, I won their Retail Mastery System in a booth drawing.  It’s a great in store training program that covers virtually every aspect of your business with audio CD’s and video DVD’s.  While they don’t write their training segments exclusively for the floral industry, I have found that there are amazing parallels and similarities that you can capture and utilize whether you are a retailer….a wholesaler….or a brokerage house.  The information is THAT good!

My friends at WhizBang have allowed me to offer the following FREE OF CHARGE to the recipients of my weekly newsletter…a 37 page report entitled “Facebook Demystified.”  Social media is exploding and your customers are looking for you on Facebook!  If you aren’t using it to promote your store, it’s time to start.  The folks at WhizBang! Training have written a comprehensive  report that covers some basic things you should know about building your business with Facebook. The report normally goes for $27, but we’ve worked out a deal with them and, for a limited time, we can offer it to you for free!

The world of social media is vast and growing more complex each day.  This special report called “Facebook Demystified: A Retailer’s Guide”  focuses on the one social media site that is perfectly suited for the independent retail and wholesale store owner’s needs – Facebook.  The report teaches you how to quickly create a Facebook presence for your store and use it to easily strengthen your customer relationships.  And you may even have a little fun, too!  The report is
appropriate for those who are new to social media and also for those who are a little more experienced. 

To get this free report and your email subscription to the free WhizBang! Tip of the Week, go to

Submitted by Bill Schodowski

DVFlora History

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