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Floriade 2012 European Experience

By September 16, 2011No Comments

Netherlands, Belgium & Paris

presented by Fox Valley Travel & Butera the Florist
featuring historic Bruges & Floriade 2012

April 9-19, 2012
11 days – 13 meals: 9 breakfasts, 4 dinners

buteraJoin tour hosts, Vince and Carolyn Butera, as they show you the world famous Floriade Horticulture Event held only every 10 years, the Keukenhof Flower Gardens, the Aalsmeer Flower Auction, and other world renowned gardens.  Enjoy the behind the scenes extras planned for you on this florist lead Floral Extravaganza!

Some highlights include…Amsterdam, Candlelight Cruse, Keukenhof, Floriade, Brussels, Bruges, Paris, Giverny, Eiffel Tower Dinner, Seine River Cruise


Experience It! ____________FLORIADE!

logoFloriade2012Floriade is the World Horticultural Expo held only once every ten years in the Netherlands. “Floriade 2012” presents visitors with the opportunity to enjoy the world’s most exquisite and exceptional flowers, plants, trees, fruits, and vegetables in a 165 acre country setting along the German border. The daily cultural program includes musical shows, dances representing countries around the world, theatre and sustainable architectural designs that have never been seen before. Floriade is truly a pioneering event in the areas of horticulture, sustainability and cultural exchange that offer countless opportunities for visitors to learn about the world. There are various restaurants serving regional cuisines and welcoming European cafes offer visitors the chance to savor delicious local and international cuisine, naturally prepared with organic and locally grown ingredients. Afterwards, you can lounge in the green parks surrounded by flowers and trees on the banks of the water and watch the cultural parades go by. Floriade 2012 is about people from all over the world coming together and experiencing nature, and about humankinds relationship with its environment. Using the senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell, you can experience first-hand the influence horticulture has on the quality of our daily lives.  For more information visit

Click here to view more information, including prices and itinerary.

DVFlora History

Author DVFlora History

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