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Fresh Cut Amaryllis

By November 1, 2010One Comment

Everything You Wanted to Know About…


By Ace Reporter Felipe Bernal 


Amaryllis, having the scientific name of ‘Hippeastrum’, is a native plant of South America’s tropical regions. It has tall stems, on which Lily-like flowers grow that can be red, pink, white, salmon, apricot, or rose. Hybrid varieties are also available.

 The large, trumpet-shaped blooms of Amaryllis make dramatic bouquets, but remember that Amaryllis may arrive with some of their blooms closed, but with proper care, they will open into large flowers and will live for about two weeks.

 Care and handling:

  • Cut 2cm from the bottom of the stem and keep the stems filled with water at all times, even while you change the water!
  • Old flowers should be removed to improve the development of younger flowers.
  • The thick stems are hollow and can be supported, if necessary, by inserting a thin wooden stick
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