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Revealing The Essential Eight

We’ve decided to change this next round up a bit and call it the “Essential Eight,” instead of the typical Elite Eight.  After all, the varieties that have made it this far, should be consider part of your everyday arsenal of rose varieties to use regularly.

It’s hard to say who is on their “Cinderella Run” at this point.  Some might say that High & Magic has outperformed after beating out Nena, Faith, and Cool Water.  For other’s that might be Deep Purple who took down Hermosa in the last round.  No matter how you look at it, we have some really good matchups that will decide who makes the Final Four.

Will Country Blues continue to dominate?  Who wins out in Hearts versus Aspen RP?  We’re not touching Pink Mondial against Sahara…you can decide that one! And finally, will Deep Purple beat out Shimmer?

The Details

Remember, DVFlora customers have an opportunity to win a FREE case of roses from one of the Final Four varieties for every round you vote in! As always, stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram pages for more information as we head towards the next round.

Scroll Down For "Essential Eight" Voting

Click Here To Download and Print A Bracket


Click on the image below to view the Elite Eight Match Ups larger or download and print.


Select YOUR favorite varieties in each of the matchups below, and cast your vote at the bottom!
The selections with the most votes will move on to the Final Four

Round Four entries must be entered by Thursday, March 24th at 12:00PM EST

Voting for Round 4 has officially closed. Results will be posted on Friday, March 25th.


Author DVFlora

For over 60 years DVFlora has been providing professional retail florists, wedding & event coordinators, and garden centers with the finest in Fresh cut flowers and greens, floral supplies, and botanicals.

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