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Governor of MD Extends Valentine’s Day

By February 16, 2010No Comments
 ANNAPOLIS, Md. – Recent snow storms in Maryland have slowed up businesses and have left many people little time to get ready for Valentine’s Day.
Governor Martin O’Malley solves that problem by officially extending Valentine’s Day in Maryland through February 21, 2010.
“By extending Valentine’s Day another week, Marylanders can celebrate with their loved ones while supporting the local businesses who depend on these holiday festivities for their economic well-being,” said Governor O’Malley.

Restaurants, florists, movie theatres and lodges are all amongst those businesses that really benefit from such a holiday as this. “Our ability to deliver beautiful fresh flowers, especially at major floral holidays like Valentine’s Day, is critical to the retail florist industry,” said Kathy Sanner, owner of Perry Hall Florist in – Lynette Gilchrist- 47 ABC News

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