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In Celebration Of Marty Baptiste: A Legendary Local New Jersey Grower

By January 13, 2011No Comments

Sadly one of our longest serving growers, Marty Baptiste passed away at the end of last year. Marty had a special place in the heart of everyone at D.V. and the retail floral community that used the product he grew over many years.  


From The Baptiste Family As a third generation grower Marty spent his youth tending vegetable crops with his father and grandfather. When old enough he was put in charge of taking the crops to market in Philadelphia and Camden. The switch was made from vegetables to flowers when the family moved their farm from Atco to Barrington. After 10 years in the Air Force Marty returned to NJ and bought 11 acres in Williamstown.To pay the bills and raise his family Marty worked drywall with his brothers but continued to go to market for his father everyday in the early morning hours before his drywall day began.The death of his father and subsequent sale of that land prompted Marty to take the plunge and become a full time grower on his land in Williamstown. With the help of his devoted wife ‘Jo’, Redwood Farms was born . Marty wanted Redwood to be synonymous with quality and strived everyday to grow the best flower with the longest vase life possible. He quickly gained a reputation for doing just that. His flowers were of superior quality and beauty. His ‘gyp’ was in hot demand for the many years that he marketed it, his peonies were strong and always opened and his woody ornamentals dazzled.

Marty took a quick liking to Bob Wilkins and a treasured relationship was forged from the very inception of Delaware Valley. So much so that the decision was made to market exclusively with DV. The favorite part of Marty’s day was a quick walk thru the coolers of DV , admiring the world’s bounty of flowers and then chatting with the salesmen to keep his finger on the pulse of the current market.

A man of character and strength …he refused to let a grueling 2 ½ yr fight with cancer keep him off his tractor or stop him from passing on his infinite knowledge of ‘the structured order of nature’ to his family allowing his daughter and family to carry on with Redwood Farms. He loved his family, his land, nature and he truly loved growing flowers!!

From Bob Wilkins – “Marty was one of the most humble men in the growing community. He was always dedicated to growing only the best quality, and was a ‘self taught’ man, to make this happen.” 

“Back in the 60-70’s, he grew the very very best “foot ball mums” 

“Marty was always looking to ‘invent’ new flowers for the market place and willing to try anything.”

“One of the best..Not only as a grower, but as a Human Being, of the HIGHEST ORDER”

From Tim Dewey – “Marty was the last local gyp grower, we believe, in Southern New Jersey and after the gyp came the most beautiful peonies and lilac.  Marty was an inspiration to all of us here in the company and everyone misses him.  From the smile and greeting when he brought in that days pick, to the advice he used to give me that things in the flower business were just getting “too complicated,” it was all good when working with Marty and he is sadly missed.”


Marty Baptiste – Redwood Farms (Williamstown, NJ)
1929 – 2010

Marty’s farm is continuing to grow for us thanks to Daughter Sue and her husband Jimmy and for many years to come we expect to help them carry on the legendary local growing of Marty’s family farm.

DVFlora History

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