As I contemplate all the possibilities of fall, it occurs to me that as quickly as the fall comes it is gone in the blink of an eye. With this in mind, I have always been motivated to find items that I can use in my fall inspirations but at the end of the season I can carry them over to another season or easily store them until next fall. Like a squirrel stashes nuts before the winter, I gather all of the natural materials I can with the hopes of being able to translate them into something magical over the long winter. With this in mind, I turn to our supply department to find items that will help you keep calm and pod on all year long.
- Lotus Pods: The dried lotus pod is probably the most common and most popular style of dried pod in the flower industry, and for good reason too! Lotus pods are robust design elements that can withstand whatever design hurdle you throw at them. I love the natural brown rustic aura of a dried lotus pod and their cavernous architecture is sure to compliment your fall designs perfectly. But you don’t need to stop using them when the fall comes to a close; the Christmas season is a perfect time to resurrect them in your designs. I love to leave them natural and use them in the place of a pine cone, but if you want something with more personality try coating them with gold or silver paint, even a light coating of glitter will help bring them to life in a bold way.

- Natural Wild Lily: Don’t let the name confuse you; the natural wild lily is in fact a pod and not some sort of wild lily grown deep in a forest in some far off land. Actually these wild lily pods are the remnants of the outer shell that protects cotton before it is harvested; once the cotton is harvested you are left with these enchanting pods that can’t help but to inspire you. I absolutely adore off centering a cluster of 3 wild lily pods in an arrangement, they make a subtle but bold statement.

- Assorted Design Pods: This box has such a bounty of goodies I can hardly contain myself when I open it! The box has a variety of pods and other natural materials in all shapes and sizes to suit any taste, from natural vine balls to small lotus pods, dried gourds, rosettes, and so much more. As if the variety isn’t enough these pods are tough too, they can tolerate a wide range of conditions like moisture, heat, and cold exposure too. Did I mention transitioning this marvelous box from fall to winter is a snap! From paint to glitter or leaving them natural, this box of pods is sure to ensure your holiday season is merry and bright.

s5038 Pod Asst Deluxe Large Nat 6in

s5290 Pod Asst Large Gold Met 6in pk

s5298 Pod Asst Small Nat On 6in Pick
With so many pods on the brain it is important to remember the proper storage of dried pods when you are not using them. Pods are a natural material which means if not stored properly they can breakdown and also grow organic compounds. It is important to keep their box dry; although you can get them wet, if you let the pods stand in a wet box for a prolonged period of time they can start to grow mold or mildew and no one wants that in their shop.
I also recommend not exposing the box to extreme heat environments just as a safety precaution, a cardboard box full of dried natural material is safest stored somewhere with an ambient temperature of 50-75 degrees Fahrenheit. The fall is full of nature’s bounty, listen to what it says to you, and remember to keep calm and pod on!
Check back on Thursday afternoon for my list of amazing fresh pods for the coming fall!