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Looking to Jumpstart Your Spring Sales?

By April 23, 2012June 14th, 2019No Comments


Try these three sales tips today!

For Free Prom Advertising, Have Teens ‘Tag’ You

Looking for a new way to “click” with teens, increase your name recognition and pull in more prom sales? Get your customers to identify your shop in their prom photos on Facebook.

“Tag me” — that’s what Heather McVay, owner of Bellevue Florist in Nashville, Tenn., started requesting in April 2011, knowing that prom goers tend to be little shutterbugs.

Last year, Bellevue Florist has appeared in dozens of photo albums, exposing the shop to thousands of high school students. McVay rotates Bellevue’s profile picture on its Facebook page daily to one of these images. And she’s sure to thank them on the shop’s wall: “It means so much to have you all as satisfied customers,” she wrote. “Your recommendation to others is the best kind of advertising this small business could ask for.”

Check Out Tim Huckabee’s Sample Spring Holiday Bootcamp Webinar

Are you looking to increase your sales this Spring? Want proven sales tips to help increase every sale during Mother’s Day?

If so, then take advantage of this free, 10 minute webinar hosted by SAF Partner and Floral Strategies President Tim Huckabee. The webinar is a sample of Tim’s Spring Holiday Bootcamp Webinar where he breaks down the best ways for your shop to increase your sales during the upcoming spring holidays.

View the 10 minute sample here and start increasing your sales today!
Spring Holiday Bootcamp Sample from SAFVISION on Vimeo.

In Video Ads, It’s Not Shock and Awe; It’s Surprise and Joy

When making a video ad, do you aim for humor? Or play it straight? What kind of emotion should you attempt to elicit to keep them watching?

Researchers found surprise and joy are the keys to an effective video ad. Hook viewers with something unexpected, and keep them riveted with content that makes them feel happy.

Researchers used “eye tracking technology and facial recognition to figure out who was engaged and who wasn’t,” said Cynthia Boris, in a March 15 Marketing Pilgrim article on the study, to be published in the April Journal of Marketing Research.

Follow the lead of America in Bloom and its president, Marvin Miller, Ph.D., and show another side of yourself or your business. AIB recently released a series of funny YouTube videos to relay the message that plants are more than pretty, including “Plants: They Make Sexy Gifts” and Plants: They Reduce Crime.”

Or have a contest, and get students to direct their talents your way. That’s what Flowers & Co. in Pasadena, Texas, did, awarding $2,500 in February to the area high school whose students produced a branded video for the store that got the most views, close to 2,000 by the time the contest ended.

It shows a nerdy guy walking into Flowers & Co. to buy flowers for a girl he likes. After he presents them to her, he turns into a better-dressed, more suave suitor.

Article provided by the Society of American Florists (

DVFlora History

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