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Who Is Certified American Grown?

Certified American Grown (CAG) is a non-profit organization started in 2021 that was originally launched in 2015 as a marketing brand. Now as an independent national trade association, it represents a unified and diverse community of American cut flower, cut foliage and potted plant farmers from the United States.

What is American Grown Flowers Month?

July is the annual celebration of American Grown Flowers Month, historically recognized by Congress with a special resolution celebrating the industry  for the economic and cultural impact of America’s cut flower and foliage farmers provide.  The entire month is dedicated to celebrate the importance of American flower farms and it falls right at the height of flower season!

How Can I Get Involved?

We encourage to get involved by helping to promote American Grown Flowers in your store! There are many ways to do this, including reaching out to your DV sales associate for special items that are sourced specifically from domestic and certified American Grown Flowers and Green growers. We have an entire selection of options available on our website, in addition to certain farms posting regularly on our DV Grower Direct program, such as Mellano, Ferntrust, Sun Valley, Continental Floral Greens and many items from our Transflora CA office.

You can also find a marketing toolkit below to help promote all month long on your social media outlets!

Downloadable Marketing Material

Below is a combination of web & email headers, as well as plenty of social media content for you to use throughout the month of July. All we ask when posting is that you tag @americangrownflowers and @dvflora so we can see how you are promoting American Grown Flower Month!

To download the images, click to open in a new window and you will be able to download all images or single images from our Dropbox Link. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to email:

The Nation’s First Certified American Grown Flowers Distributor

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Author DVFlora

For over 60 years DVFlora has been providing professional retail florists, wedding & event coordinators, and garden centers with the finest in Fresh cut flowers and greens, floral supplies, and botanicals.

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