While we understand only some of the dust has settled from Mother’s Day and things are heating up for Wedding Season, we were hoping you could take 5 minutes to answer a few questions we have. It’s an easy 6 question survey to gather some information on how business was for you this Holiday.
more competion every year, street vendors, more order gatherers with lots of offers & $$$$ for email advertising, can’t compete with that. we had fewer staff & fewer of our drivers & vans. use more pt timers, use more contract drivers, so less overall expense. they only get paid for what they del. & then go home. flower supply was tight, but we had enough, also didn’t have to turn anything down. 15% drop in incoming wires, (because we’ve droped FTD i guess) & about 8% increase in local orders, & that makes me happy. By the way my new rep Carol Taylor is great!! she takes really good care of us. Like her lots!!!!! My rep for many years was Fran Miller, so i’m spoiled & she’s right up there with him!!