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News From A Supplier In Chile

By March 4, 2010No Comments

One of our vendors located in Chile recently sent us an email documenting some of the things he experienced during last week’s devastating earthquake.  With approval from him, we thought it would be appropriate to share his story with you…

Earthquake Hits Central Part of Chile

Realizing that being still alive is the greatest gift .  Last week Friday night 3:30 am  our region  was surprised  by on of the biggest earthquakes in the world`s  history .

8.8 on the scale of Richter.   Movements where so heavy that we could not even leave our houses ….   Having our kids in our hands and waiting ….. After 3-4 minutes  Chile became dark, black  and without any notice…..  Birds where not singing anymore, Dogs where not barking,   we all survived… and most of  our houses did not collapse. Some houses from our people collapsed but they survived…

Little by little we start to realize what happened … one of the biggest earthquakes in the history did  hit Chile  …

Electricity was cut down , no water available,  and this was just the beginning……….

After 2 days we start to realize that a Huge Tsunami and 30% of  the buildings of  centre Chile is on the ground ,    all the coastal villages are not there anymore, washed away by a 8 meter high wave , a million of houses is or has to be destroyed.

Than the looting started….. it is as if we live in a film , but with a Bad end…   and with an uncertain part 2  for a lot of people .

Bridges , Airport are collapsed , highways felt apart …. But what we and the Chileans will not loose is the motivation and the energy to recover from this and maybe even stronger than ever !!

As we see now the situation we will be able to set up a small shipment for this coming Saturday , Luckily our farms  and productions  are not damaged to much  … life will continue , the Americans have survived a lot of disasters, we will do to !

More than  being our friends and good clients for years and years I want to thank everybody personally for the nice Emails, Telephones calls etc that we have received.

It made me emotional to see how the American people offered their help and how many E Mails and nice thoughts  we have received.

You can view some pictures taken here: [book id=’5’/]

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