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Peony Season from Chile

By October 4, 2010No Comments

PEONY SEASON 2010 2011

Peony  – Note from Chile

For us here in Chile, the season has already started! We are carefully supervising the growth and progress of our plants, and hope to have the first varieties out and ready to ship by the middle of October, beginning with a favorite, Coral Charm.

Though some of the later varieties have not broken ground, we can already see quality and quantity in most of the varieties: Red Charm, Coral Charm, Pecher, Gardenia, Karl Rosenfield, Festiva Maxima, Kansas, Duchesse de Nemour, Red Sarah, Sarah Bernhardt, Jules Elie, Gilbert Barthelot, Boule de Niege and Inspecteur Lavergne have already made their appearance for this season. The weather is slowly warming up, and we here at Pilauco are warming up our engines to be ready for the cutting season!

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