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Prepare for Valentine’s Day Media Questions

By January 16, 2012No Comments


Valentines Day is approaching, you’re busy and reporters are calling with questions about rose prices and the economy. Breathe. Smile. And seize the opportunity to talk to the media and score great publicity for your shop. The Society of American Florists (SAF) compiled a list of potential questions reporters might ask this Valentine’s Day along with suggested answers:

How is your business handling the down economy?
We have been serving our customers here in (town) for xx years. We have seen them through births, weddings, deaths and every joy and hardship in between. We thank them for their loyalty in supporting local business. In a tough economy, product quality, personal attention and a satisfaction guarantee became very important. We are proud to carry the best quality flowers and provide outstanding service that keeps our customers coming back.

Why are rose prices so high for Valentine’s Day?
Just like other commodities, supply and demand affects the price of roses. Valentine’s Day inspires the heaviest demand, more than any other day of the year. Several rosebuds must be sacrificed to create one long stemmed rose, and we need to hire additional help and drivers to fulfill the huge demand for roses on this one day in the middle of winter.

I saw roses advertised for much less elsewhere. Why are your roses more expensive?
When comparing prices, it is important to know what you’re buying. The price of a dozen roses will vary based on the rose variety, design style and the level of service. For example, long stem roses arranged in a vase and delivered to your sweetheart’s doorstep will cost more than an unarranged bunch of medium-length stems. Most of our customers find the added services and superior quality to be well worth it.

SAF members can see the more questions and suggested answers at

By cooperating with the media, you can develop valuable relationships and establish yourself as a reliable, expert resource for future stories. This Valentine’s Day, seize the opportunity to talk to the media and make it work to your advantage. You may be surprised at what a little added exposure can do for your year-round business.

Ace Valentine’s Day Test Orders

Keep in mind that you may not always hear directly from the media even if they are doing a story on the cost of Valentine’s Day flowers. During the past several years, there have been numerous examples of “test order” stories during major holidays where reporters pose as consumers ordering flowers and publish a story picturing the arrangements they received, along with details on the cost and how their order was handled (courteousness of salespeople, accuracy of message card, timeliness of delivery, etc.). For some florists such stories have resulted in positive coverage; for others, not so good. The lesson? Treat every order as if it will end up on the front page of your local newspaper.

Looking for more Valentine’s Day tips? Order a copy of SAF’s Valentine’s Day Playbook today! This book was built for florists by florists in order to make sure they are prepared for the holiday. Make this year’s Valentine’s Day your best one ever. Call SAF Member Services at (800) 336-4743 or visit the SAF Store at

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