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Stock and Daffodils

By March 12, 2010One Comment


  • More of “Bob Wilkins quest for the best” out of California. These pictures were taken from the growing region that growers refer to as the “Desert” . Most of the growers are harvesting in the Desert or in the Baja, however Ocean View has moved on to the Maricopa area where they will cut through Mothers Day. Maricopa is about 90 miles east of Lompoc with an elevation of about 1600 ft and a very dry and warm climate. Great place for growing stock!!

Everything That You Wanted To Know About-Daffodils

By Ace Reporter Felipe Bernal


Daffodils, the birth flower for March, belong to the genus Narcissus. Daffodil is the common English name and Narcissus is the Latin, botanical name for them all.  In the language of flowers, daffodils symbolize chivalry, respect, modesty and faithfulness.  Most daffodils are available in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes and new cultivars are added annually.  Daffodils grow perennially from bulbs.

 In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a beautiful child, so awestruck by his appearance that the gods turned him into a flower. This is where we get the term “narcissism”.  Narcissuses originate from Europe, North America and western Asia. These blooms are immensely odorous and are a lovely way to welcome spring.  Narcissus also means ‘numbness’ referring to the narcotic properties of the plant.  The bulb contains a toxic substance called Galanthine, a poisonous floral substance that is being used in medicine for Alzheimer’s cure. Narcissus represents the broad botanical term for the plants that are known as daffodils, narcissuses and paper whites. Daffodils are single flowers in the shape of trumpet; paper whites are small white-colored flowers growing in clusters.

 Care and Handling:

These flowers have sap, which is toxic to other flowers. Display separately, leave in water by themselves for at least 12 hours before mixing with other flowers and do not re-cut the stems

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