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Time…Is on my side…

TGITThank God It’s Today-
By Barry Gottlieb
Volume #130   /   May 3rd, 2010


Time… Is on my side…   Yes it is

 Whether it was the Stones, the Chambers Brothers, or Chicago; time has always been a favorite topic for musicians and singers. Time is also one of the major themes for us everyday people. 

 Just listen to the people you surround yourself with. Chances are, somebody will either be complaining about their lack of time to get things done, or they will use their lack of time as a reason why they can’t start something new.

 On the other hand, there are those select individuals that seem to get so much done with their time. Sometimes we are amazed at how they are able to handle all the things they do and still find time for their family, friends and new adventures. How is it that they can make this happen?

 Do they have more time?

Here are some basic truths about time. First, everybody has exactly the same amount of seconds, minutes and hours each day. Second, there are no “time outs” from life. Third, there are no dress rehearsals! Fourth, you can always make more money… but you can never make more time.

Time, like everything else, is all about the choices we make. Choose well.

Take back your life
Action steps…

  • “Recognize that each day is filled with 24 golden hours. Each hour has 60 diamond minutes in it. Each minute has 60 ruby seconds. When they are gone, they are lost forever.” (Dr. Denis Waitley)
  • Take ownership and control of your life
  • Stop using time as an excuse for why you aren’t being responsible
  • Make time to exercise
  • Make time to meditate … or just sit and breathe
  • Make time for your family and friends
  • Learn time management skills (see the chapter in my book)
  • Seize the moment … the day!!!

 Remember… Every day is a gift, and the quality of your life is your gift to yourself.

DVFlora History

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