Recipe of the Week
This week’s recipe is serving up a heaping helping of vitamin C sure to cure any winter ailment. Intense orange Voodoo roses (30807), orange ranunculus (41341), orange Blumex parrot tulips (49944), and orange kangaroo paws (39981) are counter balanced by lively yellow acacia mimosa (22009), freesia (31901), snapdragon (25677), and yellow Terra Elara gerrondo (53406). To add a little more height forsythia branches (21499) were used and poppies (28903) were added to add an air of whimsy to the design. An assortment of rich greenery; fancy fern (G1691), skimmia (G1823), salal tips (G1112), and weeping podocarpus (G2103), are all set in an embossed cement bowl (S25543). If you find you’re feeling under the weather have no fear, because our vitamin C filled recipe will be sure to spread some much needed cheer.