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Volcanic Ash Halts Flights Updates

By April 18, 20102 Comments

So far many flights are back on schedule in Europe. Our DVFlora Dutch Webshop will re-open Friday 4/23/10. Customers will be able to place orders through 10pm Sunday 4/25, as normal for delivery Thursday.

Updated 4/19/2010 4:30 PM US Eastern Standard time

Great News! Our shipment is in the air and will be here on Wednesday and delivered to customers on Thursday. Thanks to the great efforts of our procurement team we were able to maintain the Cool Chain the whole time. The skies are starting to open up a little,  Click here-> EU to resume limited air traffic Tuesday  By JILL LAWLESS and RAF CASERT (AP) – 3 hours ago 

Updated 4/18/2010 8:15 AM US Eastern Standard time

Finally some better news, our shipment is moving.  We were able to make arrangements to get our shipment on a truck to Spain.  We will be flying from Madrid to JFK and we expect this shipment to arrive on Tuesday afternoon. If all goes well our Dutch product will be delivered to customers on Wednesday maybe Thursday, but there are just too many variables to know for sure. Remember all new orders for this Thursday are not being filled and we are still not able to start booking new orders.

 Updated 4/17/2010 2:55 PM US Eastern Standard time

Still nothing is moving.  The only airports open are in Italy and Spain.   We are exploring some options of trucking product to Barcelona Spain and then flying into the USA.

At this point in time this is our plan:

  1. We are not taking any new orders at this time out of Holland. Hopefully we will be able to start taking order by next weekend for the following week’s delivery.
  2. We are aggressively trying to figure out a way to fill the orders that we do currently have.

 Updated 4/17/2010 8:17 AM US Eastern Standard time

From our Freight Forwarded in Holland “Situation unchanged. UK (now until 02:00 hrs April 18) and Dutch (now until 18:00 hrs April 17) aerospace still closed. Most European airports are closed at this moment”.

 So it remains the same!   We do not know when our shipment will come in.  The good news is that our product is safe and still in Holland and under good refrigeration.    The bad news is that the longer the air space remains closed the more of a back log that is building up and the longer it will take to clear.

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