Wrapping Up Another Beautiful Petal It Forward Event..
We surprised and changed the day of so many, who thought it would be like any other Wednesday morning. Taking part in the nationwide Petal It Forward event, we encouraged those around us to hand out two bouquets – explaining to them “the catch” of keeping one bouquet for themselves, while sharing the other with someone else. The best part of it all is that the happiness stays with you and continues to spread even after the day is over!
It goes without saying that the effects the pandemic has had on everyone is a big topic in todays news. We could all use a “feel good” story as a result. And that is just what Petal It Forward did – a perfect way to pay it forward to change someone’s day! We took advantage of this opportunity to see the outcome of just what giving and receiving flowers can do, and also how far it can go!

We had such a good experience last year at the Gloucester County Premium Outlets located in Blackwood, NJ, that we decided to do it again! With the help of some beautiful weather, we kept the tradition alive and handed out bouquets to local shoppers. As always, it was heartwarming to see and hear just what everyone was going to do with their bouquets. Some planning who they were going to give their second bouquet to, and some passing it on right before our eyes!
We did our best to make sure we captured the day through the images below!
Take a look for yourself…
A special “Thank You” to Queens Flowers and Holland America for partnering with us and supplying the bouquets for us to hand out. Secondly, thank you to the Gloucester Premium Outlets for allowing us to spread happiness for a second year in a row!
Lastly and most importantly, thank you to the Society of American Florists for planning and organizing such a wonderful event each year that we always look forward to! Until next year…
Wowza!!! Just heard about Petal It Forward 2021 on my local news/Decatur, IL. I live 35 miles from Decatur in Springfield, IL. I must organize this event in Springfield for 2022! Flowers bring so much joy for sure!!! Thank you so much!!!