Industry News February 15, 2011 Montgomery County Florist Offers ‘Talking Roses’ CBS news in Philadelphia spent 5 hours at Penny's Flowers on Valentine's Day. They did about 12 spots during the morning hours and few more… DVFlora History 1 Love0
Industry News February 14, 2011 Valentine flower shopping tips from a Real Florist Sheila from Cheshire Nursery in Cheshire CT gives Valentine shoppers some excellent suggestions for floral gifts. DVFlora History 0 Love0
Uncategorized February 13, 2011 Ravishing Red Bouquet The beautiful dark red amaryllis and black beauty roses I got from you make up this stunning bouquet. I just wanted to remind you that the… DVFlora History 1 Love0
DV News February 11, 2011 Congratulations to Janie Farley on Her Retirement Today is the day that DV's Janie Farley will begin her second career as a retired wife, mother, and grandmother. Back in December of 1986 Janie… DVFlora History 0 Love0
DV News February 9, 2011 The DV Night Operation Some of you may have seen this on our Facebook page yesterday, but we thought we would share it with our "non-facebook" audience as well. … DVFlora History 0 Love0
DV News February 1, 2011 Valentine’s Hours 2011 HOLIDAY HOURS Day/Date Switchboard Hours Delivery Customer Pick-Up Hours After Hours (For Next Day Delivery) Hours Mon - Wed, Feb. 7 - 9 8:00AM… DVFlora History 0 Love0
Uncategorized February 1, 2011 Promoting Florist Creativity Our friends over at Family Florist in Deer Park, NY shared with us some images of recent funeral designs they did. We all know it's… DVFlora History 2 Love0
Trending Worth Recommending January 31, 2011 10 THOUGHTS ABOUT LEADERSHIP By Jon Gordon At a time when the world is thinking a lot about leadership I believe it's a great opportunity for each one… DVFlora History 0 Love0
DV News January 31, 2011 Tips for a Successful Valentine’s Day If you are not ready to handle the rush and have to stop taking orders, your customers WILL FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO BUY FROM! This… DVFlora History 0 Love0
DV NewsIndustry News January 26, 2011 California Weather and Product update The production of stock and larkspur has improved and there should be decent availability for the holiday. DVFlora History 0 Love0
Industry News January 24, 2011 Fern growers get a grip on freeze damage By BOB KOSLOW, Business writer January 20, 2011 12:05 AM At the Fern Trust in Seville on Tuesday, Leti Aparran cuts fern destined for flower… DVFlora History 0 Love0
Events and Shows January 19, 2011 SAF Webinar – Boost Your SEO Ranking Is your search engine ranking the best it can be? Learn the art and science of localized SEO and keep your shop on top at… DVFlora History 0 Love0